February 29th (Saturday)
1. Luxembourg- Bonnevoie
19:00 appointment of the torchlight procession in front of the church
19:30 Brandon festivals accompanied by the Concert de la Fanfare Municipale luxembourg-bonnevoie
Grills, soups and drinks on site. And in case of rain, there will be no procession.
2. Belvaux-Gaalgebierg
19:00 Procession
19:15 Start fire
18:30 Procession
19:00 Start fire
19:30 Um Metzkimmert
5. Remich
18:30 Procession
6. Rumerlange
7. Steinfort
19:00 Procession
19:30 Start fire
8. Dudelange
19:30 Procession
March 1st (Sunday)
1. Cents
18:30 Procession from church
19:00 Start fire
2. Kayl
3. Walferdange
19:00 Procession
then Start fire
4. Beggen
18:00 Meeting time
5. Strassen
19:00 Meeting time