80th anniversary of the liberation 2 (ナチス占領からの解放80周年記念2)
80th anniversary of the liberation 1 (ナチス占領からの解放80周年記念1)
Luxembourg students join the photo festival in Japan (ルクセンブルクの高校生が日本で写真フェスタ参加)
BLCCJ webinar on Expo 2025 Osaka
Start of Working Holiday Program (ワーキング・ホリデー制度開始へ)
Morning commute disrupted by snow(雪で朝の通勤混乱)
Red alert was lifted at 14:00 (非常警報解除)
National crisis unit declares red alert (国家危機管理部門が非常警報を発令)
Repressive phase of Begging ban (物乞い禁止取締り開始)
Summer weather day in October 2023
Change on April
Rainy season